Rohrbacher Str. 168, 69126 Heidelberg.
Initial Information
Mandatory data according to
§ 11 of the Insurance Mediation Act
and §12 of the Financial Investment Brokerage Regulation

1. Contracting party
Olaf Wittich e.K.
Rohrbacher Straße 168, 69126 Heidelberg
Managing Director: Olaf Wittich
HRA 701078, Commercial Register: district court Mannheim,
Company Headquarters: Heidelberg
Phone 06221 – 37 47 18
Fax 06221 – 31 42 25

2. Job title
Insurance broker with Permission according to § 34d Abs. 1 GewO
Financial investment broker with a license in accordance to § 34f Abs.1 sentence 1 GewO
Real estate loan broker with permission according to § 34i GewO
Broker of loans as well as real estate and equivalent rights according to § 34c GewO

3. IHK registration number

  • 34d Abs 1       GewO    D-CB1I-7SKKU-00
  • 34f Abs 1 S.1 GewO    D-F-153-ML8J-36
  • 34i                     GewO    D-W-153-HCDA-78

4. Authority for the permission of brokering

  • 34d GewO, § 34f GewO, § 34i GewO IHK Rhein-Neckar, L1,2, 68161 Mannheim
  • 34c GewO Stadt Heidelberg, Bergheimer Str. 69, 69115 Heidelberg

The register entry of the IHK can be checked in writing or via the web at the following office:
Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin.
Telephone: 01806 00585-0
(20 cents/call from a German landline, with differing prices from mobile networks, maximum 60 cents/call)

5. Liability
As an independent broker, we are your partner in the agreed insurance matters and are personally responsible for our advice according to §§ 60, 61 and 63 VVG. We therefore maintain a pecuniary damage liability insurance in the legally prescribed amount.

6. Ombudsman and conciliation office
If you are not satisfied with our services and cannot clarify this with us in advance, you can call the following office as an out-of-court conciliation body:
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
Postfach 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin
Telephone: 0800 3696000
Telefax: 0800 3699000

Ombudsmann für die private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung
Glinkastr. 40,10117 Berlin
Telephone: 0800 2550444
Telefax: 030 20458931

Schlichtungsstelle des Verbandes der privaten Bausparkassen
Postfach 30 30 79,10730 Berlin
E-Mail: info(at)
Telephone: 030 / 59 00 91-500 und -550
Telefax: 030 / 59 00 91 501

Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V (bei Kapitalanlagen)
Straßburgerstraße 8, 77694 Kehl
E-Mail: mail(at)
Telephone: 07851 / 79 57 940
Telefax: 07851 / 79 57 941

Büro der Ombudsstelle des Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.
Unter den Linden 42, 10117 Berlin

7. Independence
There are no participation in or by insurance companies.

8. Consulting
Our service is our advice. We offer comprehensive advice on financial and insurance topics. However, we can only provide full advice if you give us the necessary information. If you give us incorrect or incomplete information, the advice may be incorrect or incomplete.

9. Compensation
As a rule, you will not be charged any costs as a result of our activities. Our service is remunerated by the product providers, so our brokerage fees or commissions are already included in the product.
In some cases, we may offer you commission-free products or additional services. In this case we will charge you for our expenses. In these cases, you will always be informed in writing of the costs incurred. The costs will only be charged by us if you have agreed to them in advance in writing with your signature. In general, it applies that you can only be charged for costs arising from our activities if you have agreed to this in writing in advance.
Support in the event of a claim also does not result in any costs.

10. Representation of interests
As insurance brokers we represent the interests of our clients in dealings with insurance companies. We are therefore, committed to you, not to the insurance companies.