The investment approach of SwissClassics Wealth Management consistently exploits opportunities while minimizing risks. Thanks to active management, a significant added value is achieved compared to a rigid and passive investment strategy.
Approximately 70% of the long-term performance depends on the right choice of asset classes. Constant monitoring of the market environment, as well as the analysis of historical and behavioural factors, plays an essential role here. This allows us to act flexibly and in line with the market in order to minimize risk at all times.
In contrast to a passive strategy, where assets are permanently invested, we can invest our clients’ capital flexibly at any time, but do not have to. In turbulent market times, we can also, for example, invest 100% of the capital in safe asset classes (e.g. in bond or money market funds).
The investment approach.
The strategies of Swiss Classics Wealth Management are based on a classic, value-oriented, predominantly anti-cyclical investment concept.
Our clients benefit from the geographical and thematic focuses that are accentuated in the investment strategy.
The focus is on European and American markets and emerging markets. These ensure sustainable asset growth for our clients. In doing so, we proceed according to the best-in-class method.
In order to be able to make adjustments in the investment strategy at any time, the investment decisions we make are constantly monitored.
The investment process.
The investment process is divided into five main steps and forms the basis for a systematic and precise investment decision.
- Step: Research.
A variety of sources are used to analyze the general market situation, which helps to make an informed investment decision.
For this purpose, almost the entire spectrum of different indicators in the area of the capital market and the economy is used, which would be, among others
– IFO Index
– OECD data
– ISM Purchasing Manager Indices
– Inflation trends
– Price data of bond and stock indices
– and much more - Step: Strategic Asset Allocation
The strategic asset allocation is created from the data obtained. Here the focus is on the various thematic priorities that are accentuated in the portfolio. These may vary depending on market conditions and developments. - Step: Tactical Asset Allocation
In tactical asset allocation, the strategic orientation is implemented by means of an appropriate fund selection. The fund selection varies depending on the strategy and ranges from five to eight funds. Funds of funds are completely excluded from the selection process for cost reasons.
The investment universe comprises all tradable funds at the corresponding custodian banks. - Step: Monitoring & Risk management.
Monitoring and risk management is an integral part of asset management and one of the cornerstones of the investment process. Risk assessment is as uncompromising as the pursuit of target returns for the corresponding portfolios. - Step: Performance analysis.
The performance data of the client portfolios are continuously monitored. If the target return for a portfolio is achieved in a positive market environment, profit hedging is carried out within the portfolio. Similarly, various loss thresholds are defined, which ensure that the customer has a higher degree of security.